According to CNN:

“Legendary NBA player and executive Jerry West died Wednesday, June 12, at the age of 86, according to the Los Angeles Clippers.”

The phrase NBA LEGEND, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 44:

Jerry West prior to joining the NBA, played college basketball from 1957-1960, for West Virginia University (WVU).

He led them to the NCAA national championship game in 1959, which WVU lost by one point to the University of California, 71-70.

“West last played basketball at WVU 65 years ago. It was the last time they played in an NCAA Championship game.”

The number 65, in written form is SIXTY FIVE.

The word SIXTY-FIVE, in the Septenary cipher equals 44:

According to Sports Illustrated:

“West was much more successful as a general manger, and one of his biggest moves came at the Orlando Magic’s expense. He recruited Shaquille O’Neal, the Magic’s young All-Star center, to sign with the Lakers in 1996.”

Shaquille O’Neal was born on March 6, 1972, which is governed by the Pisces zodiac sign.

The phrase PISCES ZODIAC, in the Septenary cipher equals 44:

The name JERRY WEST, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 44:

The synchronicity Jerry West expressed with the number 44, is also connected to his Los Angeles Lakers teammate Gail Goodrich and the year he passed away.

One of Jerry West’s teammates was Gail Goodrich, who was born on April 23, 1943.

April 23, 1943, can also be expressed as 4-23-1943.

4-23-1943, is 4+23+1+9+4+3=44.

The year in which Jerry West passed away, has a numerology of 44.

2024, is 20+24=44.

Jerry West was born on May 28, 1938, which is governed by the Gemini zodiac sign.

The phrase THE GEMINI ZODIAC, in the Reverse Single Reduction cipher equals 86:

Gemini is the third (3rd) sign of the zodiac.

The phrase THIRD ZODIAC SIGN, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 86:

Jerry West as an NBA executive, won 8 NBA titles.

The number 8, in written form is Eight.

The word EIGHT, in the Reverse Ordinal cipher equals 86:

In 1960, Jerry West was drafted by the then Minneapolis Lakers, before they relocated to Los Angeles, California. West became the first draft pick ever of the relocated franchise.

Jerry West while a member of the 1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers, “won a then NBA-record 69 regular season games, including 33 wins in a row—a record that still stands.”

That team would go on to win the 1972 NBA Championship and his teammates included Elgin Baylor and Wilt Chamberlain.

The jersey numbers of the Lakers trio:

Elgin Baylor (22), Wilt Chamberlain (13) and Jerry West (44).

When added together, we get 22+13+44=79.

Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain and Jerry West, after their playing careers ended, became members of the NBA Hall Of Fame.

Jerry West, was selected to the Basketball Hall of Fame three times in a storied career as a player and executive.

The phrase HALL OF FAME, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 79:

Jerry West’s birth on May 28, 1938, is governed by zodiac sign of Gemini.

The phrase GEMINI ZODIAC, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 65:

At the time of his passing on June 12, 2024, Jerry West was eighty-six (86) years old.

The phrase EIGHTY SIX YEARS, in the Septenary cipher equals 65:

Jerry West, is credited as being the architect of the Showtime Lakers.

The phrase THE SHOWTIME LAKERS, in the Chaldean cipher equals 65:

As a player, Jerry West won one championship when the Lakers won the NBA Finals in 1972.

Jerry West went on to win eight NBA titles as a member of the front office for the Los Angeles Lakers and Golden State Warriors.

His career as an executive also included stints with the Memphis Grizzlies, Golden State Warriors, and Los Angeles Clippers.

The phrase NBA CHAMPIONS, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 65:

Jerry West “was a 14-time All-Star who helped lead the Los Angeles Lakers to the NBA Finals nine times.”

A silhouette of West during a Lakers game was famously the inspiration for the NBA’s logo.

One of Jerry West’s nicknames included “the Logo”, in reference to his silhouette being the basis for the NBA logo.

He is also known as “Mr. Clutch”, for his ability to make a big play in a key situation such as his famous buzzer-beating 60-foot shot that tied Game 3 of the 1970 NBA Finals against the New York Knicks.

The phrase THE LOGO, in the Septenary cipher equals 31:

Leonard Armato writes:

“Jerry West was a master at identifying talent. He knew Bryant would be the next great player before anyone did.

In fact, when he traded away many of his top players to make cap room for Shaq, West masterfully secured the 17th pick in the first round of the NBA draft that year. And with that pick he selected Bryant.”

The name KOBE BRYANT, in the Chaldean cipher equals 31:

The phrase THE NBA, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 31:

The phrase NBA ICON, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 31:

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