The name DONALD TRUMP in the Full Reduction cipher, equals 48:

The word ILLUMINATI, equals 48 in the Full Reduction cipher:

Trump’s full name is DONALD JOHN TRUMP, which in the Full Reduction cipher equals 68:

The phrase ILLUMINATI PUPPET, in the Chaldean cipher of numerology equals 68:

Ben Carson once said “…There are two Donald Trumps.”

The phrase TWO DONALD TRUMPS, equals 68 in the Chaldean cipher:

The word MATHEMATICS, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 68:

Donald Trump has claimed that the Bible is his favorite book.

The King James Bible has 66 books.

DONALD JOHN TRUMP, in the Chaldean cipher equals 66:

The statement AMERICA IS A POLICE STATE, in the Chaldean cipher equals 66:

Donald Trump travels in a circle of elites with known and unknown Illuminati connections.

The name DONALD, equals 112 in the Reverse Ordinal cipher:

The word CIRCLE, equals 112 in the Reverse Ordinal cipher:

The word MATHEMATICS, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 112:

Sleeper Cell (noun)

A secretive group of spies or terrorist agents that remain inactive within a target population until ordered to act.

The phrase SLEEPER CELL, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 112:

What’s the meaning of sleeper cell?

Noun. sleeper cell (plural sleeper cells)

A group of people (sleepers) who inconspicuously remain dormant in a community until activated, by a prearranged signal, to perform acts of espionage, sabotage, and/or terrorism.

The name DONALD, equals 322 in the Reverse Satanic cipher:

The number 322 is associated with the secret society Skull and Bones, which is connected to Yale University.

The phrase TWO DONALD TRUMPS, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher:

The phrase MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, in Full Reduction cipher equals 82:

The phrase RUSSIAN MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, equals 82 in the Chaldean cipher:

Makes you wonder…

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