Tyre Deandre Nichols was born on June 5 1993, which is governed by the zodiac sign of GEMINI.

The ruling element of Gemini is AIR and is symbolized by TWINS.

The name TYRE, in the Septenary cipher equals 19:

The Hebrew meaning of the name Tyre is: Strength, Rock, Sharp.

Tyre is mentioned frequently in both the Old and the New testament.

Tyre, although part of the tribe of Asher’s inheritance in the Promised Land (Joshua 19:28 – 29), was never conquered by Israel.

The word GEMINI, in the Chaldean cipher equals 19:

The word AIR, in Full Reduction cipher equals 19:

Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac (May 21 to June 20), and it’s symbolized by the twins.

A mutable air sign that is ruled by the planet Mercury…

The symbol of the Gemini zodiac sign is the TWINS.

The word TWINS, equals 19 in the Chaldean cipher of numerology:

The name TYRE DEANDRE NICHOLS, equals 199 in the English Ordinal cipher.

The double digit root of 199 is 19.


JUNE 5 is the month and day, which Tyre Nichols was born.

JUNE 5, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 19:

The vibrational frequency of number 19, was present through all aspects of Tyre Nichols birth.

The numeric frequency of number 19, was also present associated with events that led to his untimely passing at the hands of 5 Memphis police officers on January 10 2023.

The word DEATH, in the Chaldean cipher of numerology:

The word SHOT, in the Chaldean cipher equals 19:

The word CHAOS, in the Full Reduction cipher:

The 19th prime number is 67.

Tyre Nichols was 29 years old at the time of his passing.

The phrase TWENTY-NINE YEARS OLD, in the Chaldean cipher equals 67:

The name TYRE NICHOLS, in the Sumerian cipher equals 888.

The number 888 is an encoded reference to Karma and Jesus.

“…888 is associated with karma — the principle, in simple terms, meaning what goes around comes back.

The karma found through this angel number signals rewards for all your efforts…”

“In some Christian numerology, the number 888 represents Jesus, or sometimes more specifically Christ the Redeemer.”

The Greek name for Jesus, Iesous, adds up to 888.

“The name “Jesus” is unique, because it means “Yah (Yahweh i.e. God) is salvation” and this is additionally strengthened by the numerical value 888 (24×37=8×111=2×444).

This important number symbolizes eternity and perfection.

It also symbolizes the victory over evil.”

Tyre Nichols’ name encoded connection to JESUS, is also a reference to FAITH.

January 7 2023, when Nichols had his fatal encounter with the 5 police officers, was also 6 days after the last day of Kwanzaa on January 1, 2023.

The last day of the Kwanzaa celebration is named Imani, which is Swahili for FAITH.

The word FAITH, in the Chaldean cipher of numerology equals 19:

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/888_(number)

2. https://bible-menorah.jimdofree.com/english/888/


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