I Love Lucy is an American television sitcom starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, and William Frawley.

The black-and-white series originally ran from October 15, 1951, to May 6, 1957, on CBS. All 180 episodes aired on Mondays.”

When I Love Lucy was first aired in 1951, it was during the Golden Age of Television.

The Golden Age of Television, in its first period lasted from 1948-1959.

Lucille Ball was born on August 6, 1911, which is governed by the Leo zodiac sign. According to astrologers, Leos are confident and love being noticed.

Leos, are regarded are the most outgoing zodiac sign.

Lucille Ball made her transition on April 26, 1989, at the age of 77.

In addition to her stellar career as a comedian, actress, producer, and studio executive; Lucille Ball was one of the 92 actresses who auditioned for the role of Scarlett O’Hara in the film Gone With The Wind.

The phrase THE AUDITION, in the Chaldean cipher equals 43:

The name LUCILLE, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 43:

In 1940, Lucille Ball married Cuban bandleader Desi Arnaz.

The name DESI ARNAZ, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 43:

Desi Arnaz was born March 2, 1917, which is governed by the Pisces zodiac sign.

Pisces has two ruling planets, which are Jupiter and Neptune.

In astrology, the planet Neptune “governs dreams, psychic powers, and creative pursuits with an emphasis on photography, film, and the entertainment industry.”

The word MARCH, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 43:

Desi Arnaz was known for playing conga drums and popularized the conga line in the United States.

Arnaz passed away on December 2, 1986, at the age of 69.

The phrase CONGA DRUMS, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 43:

The word TELEVISION, in the Septenary cipher equals 43:

The word HOLLYWOOD, in the Chaldean cipher equals 43:

The phrase GOLDEN AGE, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 43:

The sitcom title I LOVE LUCY, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 43:

The metaphysical signatures encoded in the I Love Lucy franchise, are multi-layered and distinct.

There is the occult magick of Hollywood industry, in addition to the personal astrology and numerology of both Lucille Ball and Desi Arnanz.

Desi Arnanz in his role as Ricky Ricardo in the I Love Lucy television show, introduced a metaphysical third rail with his performance of Babalu.

According to NPR, “Ricky Ricardo’s signature song was a tribute to an Afro-Cuban god. “Babalu,” written by Cuban composer Margarita Lecuona, is about Babalu-Aye, one of the seven main gods of the Afro-Cuban religion Santeria.”

In the Santeria tradition, the feast day for Babalu-Aye is on 17 December.

Interestingly enough, Lucille Ball sold her shares of Desilu to Gulf Western for $17 million dollars in 1968.

The number 17, in written form is SEVENTEEN.

The word SEVENTEEN, in the Chaldean cipher equals 43:

Desi Arnaz in I Love Lucy, played the character of Cuban-American bandleader Ricky Ricardo, whose trademark song is “Babalu”.

“Arnaz made the song a rather popular cultural reference in the United States”.

Babalu, is also referred to as Babalu-Aye, the Orisha, known for his wisdom, strength, and protection.

The phrase THE ORISHA, in the Septenary cipher equals 43:

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