Occult numerology, when applied to the words and phrases associated with the subject of Time Travel, reveal that there are two major paradigms behind the concept.

The concept of Time Travel, has existed in the history of human cultures from ancient times to the present.

There is an internal process and methodology towards Time Travel, as seen in the rituals of ancient cultures.

Time Travel is not only a theoretical possibility, it is a metaphysical reality.

Scientists such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, John Cramer and Ronald Mallet, have put forth their own theories on Time Travel.

The idea of Time Travel has been a central theme in science fiction.

One of the better known science fiction works on Time Travel, is H. G. Wells’s groundbreaking novel The Time Machine.

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, “popularized the concept of time travel by mechanical means.”

The phrase TIME TRAVEL, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 44:

The word SPACE, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 44:

The CIA conducted a Time Travel experiment named the Gateway Process, which was based on scientific principles created by The Monroe Institute.

The word EXPERIMENT, in the Chaldean cipher equals 44:

“Called the Gateway Process, the procedure claimed to help people access the intuitive knowledge of the universe, as well as travel in time…”

University of Washington physicist John Cramer is preparing to perform an experiment to see if time can go backwards. (Scott Eklund/Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Both the internal and external paradigms for time travel, in different ways have to employ the use of the mind.

Einstein’s special Theory of Relativity proves that the faster you go through space, observable time elapses more slowly .

In other words, the flow of time is dependent on how fast you are moving.

Astronauts for example, due to the effects of time dilation return to Earth a couple milliseconds younger than they would be if they stayed on Earth.

But if they traveled at greater speeds, the difference would be more noticeable.

The phrase THE MIND, in the Reverse Single Reduction cipher equals 44:

The definitive answer to the possibility of Time Travel, may be found in Kemet.

Kemet, which is commonly referred to as Ancient Egypt, may have the answers to Western society’s most perplexing questions, such as those related to Time Travel.

The civilization of Kemet, in their Sacred Science utilized a visual symbolic vocabulary known as Mdw Ntr.

In the Mdw Ntr, the process of creation was explained through depiction of the Neteru, who were the different expressions of the Neter.

The phrase NETERU, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 44:

In the transmission and evolution of knowledge, every group or civilization has unconsciously or consciously by apprenticeship or nefarious means has inherited the mantle from the institutions which preceded them.

Practitioners of High Magick known as Wizards, have drawn from the stream of mystical knowledge left by those who came before them.

The word WIZARDS, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher 44:

“Chronomancy was a school of magic dealing with movement through time or the manipulation of time.”

The phrase HIGH MAGICK, in the Septenary cipher equals 44:

The word ELDER, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 44:

The phrase DREAM SCIENCE, in the Septenary cipher equals 44:

Anthropologists, refer to the Australian Aboriginals creation sacred mythos as The Dreamtime.

The phrase THE DREAMTIME, in the Chaldean cipher equals 44:

The phrase MYSTIC DANCE, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 44:

The phrase VAGUS NERVE, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 44:

The word MEDITATIONS, in the Septenary cipher equals 44:

The word PSYCHEDELICS, in the Chaldean cipher equals 44:

The word PSYCHEDELIC, in the Septenary cipher equals 44:

The word SPIRIT, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 44:

The word DOGON, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 55:

The phrase SACRED SCIENCES, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The word AWAKEN, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 55:

The word PSYCHEDELIC, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The word AYAHUASCA, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The phrase THE HUMAN BODY, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The word ASTROPHYSICS, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The phrase MATH EQUATIONS, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The word HEAVEN, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 55:

The word SATAN, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 55:

The word TELEPORTER, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The word LASER, in the English Ordinal cipher equals 55:

The phrase TIME MACHINE, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

The phrase CARBON ELEMENT, in the Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

Their is a connection to so-called witchcraft, superstitions and the paranormal involving black cats.

Black cats are thought to be connected to the spiritual world or have supernatural powers.

According to mystic folklore, Black cats can slip between shadows and move between realms.

The phrase BLACK CAT, in the Reverse Full Reduction cipher equals 55:

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